The End of 2016

I have a 2016 year in review thing but I’m working on trying to word it. I started an opening like “I did this, then got to do that other thing” and when I went back to reread it, it sounded like all I was doing was bragging. But maybe that’s a good thing? Anyways… Here’s my 2016 year in review!

There are so many wonderful things that I got to experience in 2016. I was invited back to PAX East again to join my fellow awesome Tomb Raider fans.

At PAX East. From left to right: Meagan Marie, Melonie Mac, myself, and Sara Croft.

At PAX East I also had the honor of meeting Nathan McCree, who is the genius behind the original Tomb Raider music.

I had the pleasure of spending time with Nathan McCree for the whole weekend at PAX East 2016.

And then, during my trip to PAX something magical happened. During the Tomb Raider panel, Meagan Marie had me stand up and say hello to the entire audience. I was left speechless and eternally grateful.

A round of applause for my 18 yr. dedication to Tomb Raider and my Lara Croft cosplay.

I also got to hang out with my best friend Sara again, God I love that girl!!

At the hotel room. Sara and I all decked out getting ready to go to a dinner party with people from IGN, and the Tomb Raider franchise.

I was also filmed for promotional footage for the Tomb Raider 20 year Celebration at PAX!

Behind the scenes shot of being filmed for an official promotional video for the Tomb Raider 20 Years Celebration. Photo taken by Meagan Marie I believe.

I was pulled aside and got to do a photo shoot with the famous, world renowned, photographer Martin Wong.

I still can’t believe my dumbass wore my latex top inside out! How embarrassing! Photo by Martin Wong.

And when I thought it couldn’t get any better, I was then hired and invited as the Official Lara Croft Cosplay Ambassador for San Diego Comic Con. I was flown out and shared a hotel room with my other best friend, the famous, Jenn Croft!

Our fancy hotel room at The Hard Rock hotel!

We did lots and lots of filming for promotional stuff!

This guy was SUCH a trooper wearing the bear costume in insanely hot weather! Luckily we had Robin taking care of us, and she kept everyone healthy and hydrated!
Figuring out how to get the next shot with Jenn Croft.
More filming with Jenn Croft.
You can believe there was LOTS of goofing off and fun!!

And Jenn took really good care of me.

Jenn helping me do my hair and special fx makeup!

I got awkwardly hit on by Jared Leto while we were waiting for the elevator to get to our Tomb Raider panel. Speaking of panel… Man, I thought at PAX East I was spoiled by being called up to say hello. But SDCC takes the cake. Not only was I called up to panel, again, Meagan told the audience about how much of a dedicated fan I am, and that I was now an official Ambassador for their games because of my dedication, and that meant so much to me. But honestly, the fact I got to stand by my friends side, and be recognized together, with her, makes it SO much more special to me!

I got to meet Andy Park, Brian Horton, Noah Hughes, Phillip Sevy, Camilla Luddington, Earl Baylon, and SO many other incredibly talented people.

You can see how short I am here, haha! From left to right: Me, Jenn Croft, Camilla Luddington (voice actress of Lara Croft from Tomb Raider), and Melonie Mac.
Myself with Earl Baylon, voice actor of Jonah from Tomb Raider.
At our private Tomb Raider community dinner.
It was SO good seeing Carla Croft again, and I had the pleasure of meeting Issac Cabrera. He’s an incredibly talented artist!!
Another community dinner! I was so sad I had to leave early that night. I think the jetlag and anxiety caught up with me at that point. Luckily Sebastian was very nice and walked me safely back to my hotel room.

I was also interviewed for Meagan Marie’s official Tomb Raider book “20 Years of Tomb Raider

Myself holding my copy of Meagan Marie’s official Tomb Raider book “20 Years of Tomb Raider” that I was interviewed for.

After SDCC I came back home to Maine, where I got a chance to finish my Tomb Raider fan film for our dear friend Kate!

Tomb Raider: Hunted. A fan film written by Kate Sykes.

In 2016 I also sold a lot of my artwork and cosplay prints!

I was so proud of this painting, and even happier that it sold!

I was a witness to my friend getting married to his wife! And so many other wonderful things! I’m in a bit of a rhythm atm, so when I remember more amazing things I will post them! Looking back now, it really seems as though 2016 was the year of Tomb Raider for me!!!

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